Yeah, I appreciate your perspective, but you could easily replace most instances of Radical Left with Radical Right in your story and it would read quite similar. Each side has their favorite issues to champion, but the results are always the same. An inability to be empathetic and see the middle. Extremism on both sides is so far out on the edges, and norms have unraveled so fast, that the middle is now lost. I live in Madison, Wisconsin and no - radical leftists have not taken over our city. Madison has always been a left leaning city going back to the 60s. Progressive politics are nothing new here. It's the home of 50,000 students, a Democratic governor, a conservative legislature, and a liberal supreme court. How's that for a mix. If you've come here and are surprised by this city's poltics, you didn't do your homework. Political activism has always been welcomed here. I have no patience for violent activism, but spirited dialogue is always welcome. Or at least it was before people started to think that arguments are best settled over duels. And of course, like many cities around the country, there are more outward signs of failed policies. But that's the environment today's politicians have created around the country. In a city like Madison that's been on so many Top 10 best places to live in the country lists, there are growing pains given all the people who want to move here. And if you find the polticis not to align with your own beliefs, then yes, please stay away. Go to places like Texas and Tennessee that better align with your own beliefs. I do agree some cities have gone too far. They'll pay a price, and the pendulum will swing back the other way. There are means to address social issues properly, but we're never going to find solutions in societies that have lost all patience for a willingness to appreciate a multitude of viewpoints without it degrading into violence, neglect, or a total disregard for common sense. Thanks for sharing your viewpoints; a great debate.